As I write this, I am listening to Sunmisola Agbebi-Okeleye sing the song ‘Reckless Love’.
“Oh the overwhelming, never ending, reckless love of God. Oh it chases me down, fights till I’m found, leaves the 99.”
Indeed in Chapter 33, I became highly and acutely conscious of the depth of God’s love for me. I’ve always known that God loves me but the things that happened in Chapter 32 (and the preceeding years) threatened to taint the truth that I knew. I’m grateful to God for the many ways that He reminds me of His love – that He sees me and cares about me.
I stepped into Chapter 33 beautifully with a worship hangout with a few of my faves. We got on Zoom, worshipped and they prayed for and over me. Thank you dear Dere for helping me to plan and moderate the hangout.
As we were planning the worship hangout, God gave me the words, ‘Blooming Thirties’. At first, I felt it was odd because I wasn’t turning 30 but I understood as Chapter 33 unfolded. I had stepped into a time where the things God had planted within me would begin to bloom and blossom. And this exactly what happened in Chapter 33.
I didn’t have a long list of prayer requests. All I wanted was for God to lead me and do what He wanted with my life. I told God that I just wanted to walk in His rest – not worried about how I’d eat, what I’d wear, how I’d be sustained, etc. Even when I didn’t understand, I just wanted to remain surrendered to God and to stay committed to His purpose.
So as I entered into Chapter 33, I was determined to do all that God needed me to do and trust Him concerning the things I wanted Him to do.
Honestly, I cannot find the words to fully describe Chapter 33 but I entered into a new dimension of rest. The things that made me shed tears and left me depressed in Chapter 32 didn’t faze me. When things happened and I started to feel worry begin to rise, I flipped it with praise. I cannot count the number of times I said to people around me, “God will provide, God will sort it out, or God will handle it.”
I remember when someone called me so concerned about how I was making a living. He knew I was majorly focused on stewarding The Comms Avenue assignment but he wondered how I was getting an income. I simply told him this – “God is taking care of me.” For everyone who had this kind of conversation with me (there were a number of them), I gave them the same answer. God is taking care of me.
If God owns the cattle on a thousand hills, if the earth and the fullness of it belongs to Him, how can He not take care of me? I came into Chapter 33 assured that God has me covered and I can testify that this year, I saw God take care of me in supernatural and heartwarming ways. Even to the point of receiving things that I only thought of but I didn’t uttter a word of prayer about. God can be trusted. He proved this to me yet again in Chapter 33.
My adventure with God took me to new territories and nations this year. I went to Warri for the first time and I travelled to Zambia and Kenya for the first time. For each trip, God supernaturally provided. God also opened doors for The Comms Avenue.
This is perhaps one of the things that touched me the most – to see the way God amplified the work that we do at The Comms Avenue. Ah, it humbled me. To remember the many months and years of just toiling with little support, not knowing if what I was doing made sense and then to see God go ahead and bring these opportunities our way. I do not take them for granted at all.
I am grateful for the lives we have touched through The Comms Avenue. I am grateful for the impactful projects that we got to work on. We were definitely stretched as a team but there was a sense of fulfillment towards the work we were doing. That in itself is priceless.
In Chapter 33, I got a deeper understanding of my calling and assignment. I saw God open up several platforms to show His love and His glory. I got to connect with people that I could never have met in my power or might. I entered into rooms where I had to ask myself, “How did I get here?” And in these rooms, people really wanted to hear what I had to say and they paid attention. There are things that still don’t make sense to me about my journey but I rest in the fact that God is in control and He knows exactly what He is doing with my life.
Perhaps one of the greatest things I am grateful for about Chapter 33 is the depths I experienced in my spiritual walk. Praying, fasting and just recklessly chasing after God. Of course, there is still room for growth especially with regards to dedicated Bible study and meditation but I am not where I used to be. Thank You, Jesus!
As I go into Chapter 34, the posture of my heart remains one of surrender. Surrender to the will of God and to His purpose. The nations are calling and I go for the glory of the Lord. I go knowing that I am backed by the King of kings. That is exciting and scary at the same time!
My prayer for myself is that I will always remain on the path that God has set before me. I will continue to hide under the shadow of His wings and be led by Him in all things. Abba, please use me the show forth Your love to this generation and the world at large.
I cannot end this reflection without thanking everyone who made Chapter 33 a memorable one. To my sister friends, my OGs, my family, my prayer partners, mentors, leaders and community…I love you all so much. To the new friends and contacts God brought my way this year, thank you. To the people who sent prayers or called to encourage me, you have no idea how timely and comforting your messages and calls were. I am grateful.
I countdown to December 14 with great joy in my heart. My Apple recap for the year has the song ‘Look What You’ve Done Already’ by Greatman Takit as the song I listened to the most in 2023 and that song captures my heart as I step into Chapter 34. Abba, what would I do without Your love? Look what You’ve done already! Thank You my Father and my Everything.
Last year, I didn’t have a birthday wishlist for several reasons but I created one this year. So if you’d like to get me a birthday gift, you can check out the list here or you can give whatever God lays in your heart. More importantly, say a word of prayer for :-).
Thank you for reading and happy birthday in advance to me!
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